Modern Slavery Statement
Brancourt Dairy Australia Pty Ltd (Brancourts) and its associated group companies is dedicated to fighting modern slavery and human trafficking in its supply chain. Brancourts believes in respectful, honest business relations and in showing respect for the world in which we operate. This means that we follow not only the letter but also the spirit of laws applicable to our activities. Brancourts respects and supports internationally recognized human rights for all stakeholders, such as the right of employees to join legal trade unions. Brancourts does not tolerate child labour and forced labour and contributes to the elimination of these wherever it can. This statement sets out the steps taken by Brancourts during the financial year end 2022 to ensure that no such modern slavery or human
trafficking is taking place.
Company Structure
Brancourt Dairy Australia Pty Ltd, Maitland Road, Hexham, NSW, 2022 Australia as Trustee for
Brancourt Dairy Trust
Hexham Manufacturing Pty Ltd, Maitland Road, Hexham, NSW, 2022 Australia as Trustee for
Hexham Manufacturing Trust
Hexham Staff Pty Ltd, Maitland Road, Hexham, NSW, 2022 Australia
Our Supply Chains
The products that are marketed by Brancourt Dairy Australia Pty Ltd are purchased from Hexham Manufacturing Pty Ltd. All of our products are manufactured at our facility in Hexham, Australia. Brancourt Dairy Australia Pty Ltd does not produce any products itself and as a result, estimates that the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in the first tier of its supply chain is minimal.
Code of Conduct Policy
Brancourts apply a Code of Conduct to their own operations as well as to those of their business partners. This Code of Conduct sets out what it expects in terms of responsible business conduct regarding safety, protection of human rights and protection of our planet. All employees are required to read the Code of Conduct and sign that they understand its requirements. Employees of Brancourts, as well as outside third parties, may voice any concerns that they may have with regard to any non-compliance with our Code of Conduct, including concerns that relate to modern slavery and human trafficking. Reporting can be done anonymously using our Silent Witness form to report any breaches of our Policy which can be accessed through Brancourts website (
Due Diligence
Brancourts wish to establish and maintain fair and mutually challenging relations with reliable business partners and contribute to our goals and integrity commitments. Where appropriate, we are a member of SEDEX, an online worldwide collaborative platform for sharing responsible sourcing data on supply chains. We use this platform to share our ethical practices with our suppliers and customers. We validate the identity of all of our permanent employees and ensure that they have the legal right to work in Australia. Brancourts applies the ISO 26000 guideline in respect of corporate social responsibility to its operations. This guideline provides practical guidance on ways to integrate the principles, subjects and issues into existing strategies, systems, practices and processes of a company.